Back in the Saddle Again...

After the long co-vid drought, we climbed back in the saddle in late 2021 aboard Royal Caribbean’s Mariner of the Seas on a fourteen-day Hanukkah contract.

I must say, RCL does Hanukkah very, very well. For example, at one end of the 120 meter long Royal Promenade Deck the staff placed a giant Hanukkah Menorah under a huge “Happy Hanukkah” banner. Each night we conducted a well-publicized candle lighting ceremony attended by upwards of 30 passengers, followed by a raucous Dreydl Derby where jelly donuts and perfect latkes, garnished with applesauce and sour cream, were on offer. An attractive card announcing the holiday was placed on each dining room table the first night while brisket, latkes and applesauce were added to the evening’s dinner menu.

Looking forward, we’re scheduled to sail aboard a Celebrity ship for Passover and, all being well, to the Eastern Mediterranean for the fall High Holy Days. I’ll have to cut my softball season short for the chance to visit Israel again, but am confident it will be worth the sacrifice.

Let’s hope and pray this co-vid plague will soon be over.